What Are the Benefits of AEDs in the Workplace?

TL;DR: Cardiac emergencies can strike anywhere, including at work. AEDs in the workplace boost survival rates, ensure immediate response, enhance employee safety, and align with legal and ethical standards. They’re cost-effective and reduce insurance costs. To prepare, install AEDs in accessible spots, provide CPR and AED training, maintain devices, and ensure clear signage. Enroll in CPR classes to handle emergencies confidently and create a safer work environment.

Medical emergencies like cardiac arrest can happen unexpectedly and to anyone. They don’t wait for a convenient time or place; they can strike at home, on the street, or while you’re at work. And that’s exactly what happened at a local Walmart in Florida. Two employees witnessed a customer go into cardiac arrest while they were doing their job.

Luckily, they knew what to do. While one employee started CPR, the other grabbed an AED and used it on the victim. Their quick actions and familiarity with the CPR procedure and using an AED saved the shopper’s life. This is just one example of how AEDs make every workplace safer. So, what are the benefits of AEDs in the workplace?

From quicker response times to a greater chance of actually saving a life, these user-friendly devices can make a real difference during a medical emergency. Let’s see why AEDs and CPR training for employees are a must for every workplace.

Benefits of Having AEDs in the Workplace

Work is stressful enough without worrying about how you will react to a medical emergency. But with CPR training and access to an AED, you won’t have to stress about it anymore because you’ll know how to use the device. This self-assurance is just one of the many pros of AEDs in the workplace.

Increased Survival Rates

Immediate action is necessary during any medical emergency, but especially during a cardiac arrest. When someone experiences a sudden cardiac arrest for any reason, and without defibrillation, their chances of survival slowly decrease minute by minute.

Having an AED on-site and using it as soon as possible increases the survival rate by an incredible 74%. Finding and using an AED on the victim immediately can make a noticeable difference in whether they make it through or not.

Immediate Response

Statistics show that 51% of employees don’t know where to look for the AED in their workplace. This confusion wastes precious time and impacts whether the victim will pull through. When an AED is readily available, and employees know its location and how to use it, the response to a cardiac emergency can be reduced to only a few minutes, even seconds.

Workplace AEDs add to the immediate response during medical emergencies compared to waiting for emergency services, which can take several minutes or longer to arrive. This quick action can be the determining factor in saving a life. Proper AED signage and regular CPR training help employees know what to do in an emergency, making the workplace safer for everyone.

Employee Safety and Well-Being

According to OSHA, around 10,000 cardiac arrests happen at various workplaces around the country every day. Having AEDs in the workplace significantly impacts overall employee health and safety. Knowing that an AED is available can reduce anxiety and improve mental well-being among employees, as they feel more secure about their environment.

This sense of safety can boost morale and productivity, as employees are less preoccupied with worries about what might happen in an emergency. Additionally, a well-prepared workplace demonstrates a commitment to the health and well-being of its staff, fostering a supportive and caring work culture.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

The presence of AEDs in the workplace also ties into various legal and ethical considerations. Good Samaritan Laws have been established to defend individuals who actively try to save someone in an emergency, including using an AED. This means you can focus on helping someone without worrying about legal consequences.

Employers are legally obligated to create a safe workplace, which increasingly includes providing AEDs. Ethically, providing life-saving tools like AEDs speaks volumes about an employer’s commitment to the well-being of their employees and everyone else who enters their business premises.


While the initial investment in AEDs might seem high, the long-term benefits are far greater than the costs. For employers, the presence of AEDs can reduce insurance premiums and healthcare-related costs. The cost of an AED is minimal compared to the potential savings from preventing catastrophic health events in the workplace.

Having AEDs can reduce the time employees spend away from work due to health issues or stress related to workplace safety. The financial benefits and sense of security from having AEDs on the premises make it a worthwhile investment for any employer.

Creating an Emergency-Ready Workplace with AEDs

Creating an emergency-ready workplace involves more than just safety protocols and first aid kits. One critical component is installing and properly using AEDs. Implementing an AED program requires some thoughtful steps.

    1. Assess your workplace to determine the best locations for AEDs for easy and quick access

    1. Purchase reliable AED units that meet local regulatory standards

    1. Establish a response plan with regular drills

    1. Check if all employees know where the AEDs are located and understand the usage protocols

    1. Put up clear signage to keep this information fresh in everyone’s minds

    1. Regularly maintain the AED units so they are in good working condition

Importance of CPR Training

Employees must have CPR and AED training because well-trained employees and coworkers stay calm and know how to help each other and the SCA victim. Encourage employees to attend CPR classes or organize group sessions. How often these training sessions take place depends on your workplace, but twice a year is a good starting point.

In addition to using an AED, these training sessions will equip them with other indispensable skills like:

    • Recognizing the signs of cardiac arrest

    • Performing chest compressions

    • Giving rescue breaths

    • Recognizing signs of other medical emergencies

    • Doing basic first aid

Overcoming Common Challenges

Many employers are still hesitant about installing AEDs in the workplace. They worry about the costs and the challenge of training the entire workforce to use them properly. This reluctance can put employees at risk, especially in environments where medical help is not immediately available. Employers must understand that the benefits of having AEDs far outweigh the costs and logistical hurdles.

Employee Reluctance

Many people feel anxious or unqualified to operate these devices, worrying they might do more harm than good. Employers can combat these fears by providing comprehensive, hands-on training sessions to demystify the process and build confidence.

Emphasizing that AEDs are easy to use and often have clear audio and visual instructions can reduce anxiety. Encouraging a team-oriented approach where employees support each other in learning and practicing these skills also prepares them to handle cardiac emergencies.

Maintenance and Regular Checks

Routine maintenance keeps the devices in good working order and ready for use at any moment. This includes:

    • Inspecting the AED pads and batteries

    • Updating software when necessary

    • Keeping all components operational

Assigning dedicated personnel to oversee these routine checks can streamline the process and ensure nothing is overlooked.

Learn to Use an AED in Sarasota, FL

AEDs don’t belong only in hospitals; they have a place in every location where health and safety are priorities, including the workplace. Knowing that you and your coworkers are ready to help at any moment makes going to work much less nerve-wracking.

If you want to be a workplace hero who can perform CPR and use an AED, consider enrolling in CPR classes in Sarasota, Florida. Follow the best training program approved by the AHA, and walk away with a CPR certificate and the knowledge that you can save lives. Don’t delegate this responsibility to someone else, so schedule a class today!